I’ve received a lot of requests to keep all my American made knife reviews in once place, especially American made EDC knives. I think carrying an American made knife is admirable, and I want to help you find these American made knives easily. So, I went through all my reviews and tagged all my American made EDC knife reviews. Each one of these knives is made in the USA.
Thanks for browsing, and God Bless America.
USA Made EDC Knife Reviews
Here is a collection of all our reviews of USA Made EDC knives. Enjoy!

Chris Reeve Knives Impinda Review
Chris Reeve Knives doesn’t release many new models. And when they do it’s often a variation on a theme rather than a brand new design. That’s part of the reason why the last time I reviewed a CRK was a review of the Sebenza 25 back in 2014. Another interesting tidbit about CRK is that ...

Spyderco Para 3 Lightweight FRN Review
The Spyderco Paramilitary 2 may be the most popular knife in the last 20 years. It’s received near universal acclaim, and is revered by knife collectors and users alike. So when Spyderco released the Para 3 a couple years ago it was a big deal. Ben reviewed the Para 3, and he did a great ...

Spyderco Native 5 Lightweight Review
Last updated: January 24, 2019 The Native has been a staple in Spyderco’s catalog since 1997. Back when I first got into pocket knives it struck me as a potentially excellent knife. It has great specs on paper. Lightweight, high quality blade steel (at a time when that wasn’t a given), a good useful size to ...

Benchmade 535 Bugout Review
The Benchmade Bugout is a knife I was interested in reviewing when it first came out. But my original role as the sole author of this website has transitioned to more of a “contributing author and editor” role, and the Bugout was on someone else’s list to review. These days I need to work with ...

Olamic Wayfarer 247 Review
Years ago, when I was in law school and just starting this web site, Olamic came onto the scene with their damascus fixed blade knives. They actually reached out to me, to see if I would write an article on their knives for the site. I agreed, as I thought it was pretty cool that ...

Spyderco Native 5 in Fluted CF and S90V Review
Several years ago I watched a Nutnfancy video while I was trying to research a new firearm that I had purchased (I did this backwards back then). This led me to the realization that my life wasn’t complete without a pocket knife. My first purchase was a Spyderco and that led to nearly a decade ...

Benchmade Anthem 781 Review
Last Updated: July 18, 2019 There was a time when Benchmade was kinda the sleepy “Gunshop Knife Brand.” There would always be a few dusty Griptillians sitting in the case next to the preowned Glocks, and while the Grips might be fantastic value-props, they a bit vanilla-icecream-y if you get my meaning. Buy the Benchmade Anthem ...

Great Eastern Cutlery #71 Bullnose Review
Traditional knives are like genre fiction: they’re expected to follow certain tropes. These conventions are more restrictive than those we impose when we say things like ‘tactical knife’ or ‘EDC knife,’ maybe because they’ve been cultivated over a longer period of time. However, as with a fantasy or horror novel, it’s possible for a traditional ...

DPx Gear HEST/F Urban Review
DPx Gear has been at it for a while now. They caught everyone’s attention with the original HEST fixed blade knife in 2008. Their first folder was the HEST/F, a knife I reviewed back in 2012. It was promising in a lot of ways, but ultimately a sticky lock and ponderous footprint kept it from ...

Benchmade Proper 319 Review
Two or three years ago if you told me that Benchmade was your favorite knife company I’d roll my eyes and mutter something like, “Okay Griptillian dude…” now, that’s no disrespect to the Grip, those are great knives at a great price point, but they’re kinda vanilla for my tastes. That was Benchmade a few ...

Spyderco Paramilitary 2 Left Handed C81GLE2 Review
Last Updated: August 7, 2019 In 2009 my house was broken into while I was living in West Nashville. This caused me to do two things in quick succession. First, I adopted a huge Irish Wolfhound mix named “Apple,” and secondly, I bought a handgun. Now, since I tend to dive headfirst into anything that I ...

Emerson Sheepdog Review
Last Updated: July 30, 2019 Having reviewed many Emerson knives over the years, and reaching largely the same conclusions, you would think I am a glutton for punishment in selecting the Emerson Sheep Dog for review. However, the Sheepdog brings something new to the table. This is the first Emerson flipper I have reviewed, and it ...

Kershaw Dividend Review
Kershaw’s slew of new releases is always some of the biggest news out of SHOT Show. Each year the company unveils more than a dozen designs, including high-profile collaborations as well as compelling offerings from the talented in-house crew. Everything they make is accessible, with even the most lavish releases rarely going over $100. There’s ...

Spyderco Para 3 C223GP Review
The Para 3 started as a fantasy: “Wouldn’t it be great if there were a smaller version of one of the most storied modern production knives of all time?” Then, this fantasy became a rumor, and that rumor became a confirmed project. Then there was a year-long lull. Then all of a sudden, in a ...

Zero Tolerance 0900 Review
Last Updated: May 20, 2019 Alright, peer pressure, you win. You finally got to me. After holding out for god knows how long, I finally jumped on the titanium-flipper-framelock (henceforth TFF) bandwagon. Not just any TFF, mind: if I’m challenging my own tastes, I’m going all the way. Full bore. Thus, I decided to pick up ...

Benchmade 530 / 531 Review
Last Updated: July 28, 2019 Shopping on Amazon for knives is a dangerous endeavor. Not only can you find a nearly endless variety of blades, but your account also has a nasty habit of learning your interests. You might not notice it at first. A simple suggestion, “I noticed you like Spyderco. Have you heard of ...

Freeman Outdoor Gear 451 Flipper Review
Last Updated: August 5, 2019 Few of us have the money to shell out hundreds of dollars for every knife we think we might like. We have to cull the herd. Maybe we splash out for a promising ‘Maybe’ every once in a while, but 80% of the time we go for the sure thing. Most ...

Kershaw Link 1776GRYBW Review
It has been a while since I have visited Kershaw’s value offerings. The Injection 3.0, the Emerson Collabs, and the Strobe are nice knives for the money, but I think each model left the reviewer asking for a little more. Buy the Kershaw Link at BladeHQ Admittedly, these knives are all in the $20-30 range. It’s ...

Emerson Mini CQC-7 Review
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 As Dan wrote in his review of the full-size model, the CQC-7 is one of the very first and most influential tactical knives in the world. Ernie Emerson’s influence on the perception and use of folding knives for self-defense is incalculable. I had wanted an Emerson knife for a long ...

Benchmade 940-1 Review
Last Updated: July 13, 2019 Benchmade is a company that prefers iteration over innovation. Most of the new knives fall comfortably, and somewhat uninspiringly, within the boundaries of its recognizable, slow-to-change design language. Even really good new Benchmade knives, like the Valet, aren’t that differently from the Benchmades of five, even ten years ago. Buy the Benchmade ...

Spyderco UK Penknife (UKPK) Review
Last Updated: August 12, 2019 For a long time I believed that the Delica was not a well-designed knife. I realized recently, however, that what I actually meant was that, compared to many other designs in the Spyderco catalog, the Delica is simply outdated. Everything that I find irksome about it – the compromised ergonomics, ...

Hinderer XM-18 3″ Review
Last Updated: August 5, 2019 If you have been following Hinderer Knives on the secondary market, you will have noticed that the prices have fallen dramatically over the past couple years. A few years ago, it would have been hard to find a used XM-18 for less than $700. Some were fetching closer to a grand. ...

Zero Tolerance 0808 Review
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 Zero Tolerance has had some interesting releases in 2015. What especially intrigued me was their addition of a few smaller folders to the line up. The 0450, 0900 and

Great Eastern Cutlery #73 “Cody Scout” Review
Last Update: August 11, 2019 Just a few years ago, it seemed that fans of traditional pocket knives and modern “tactical” folders didn’t intersect. Enthusiasts of modern designs (myself included) were often leery of the carbon steel, clipless carry, and two-handed opening. Before the days of Instagram, the most popular way for people to ...

Benchmade 485 Valet Review
Last Updated: February 2, 2019 2013 and 2014 marked pretty quiet years for Benchmade. Not a whole lot of interesting stuff rolled off their shelves. The Volli was my favorite and has proven itself to be an excellent knife. Beyond that there wasn’t a whole lot to report. Buy the Benchmade Valet at BladeHQ Benchmade’s 2015 SHOT Show ...

GEC #47 Viper Review
Last Updated: August 5, 2019 I have recently seen a resurgence of interest in classic slipjoint knives. Maybe folks are getting tired of shelling out $200+ for the latest framelock flipper. Or maybe they like the idea of carrying something their grandpa may have carried. Who knows for sure. Buy the GEC Viper at KnivesShipFree Personally I ...

Buck Marksman Review
Last Updated: December 2, 2019 You may have noticed a lack of reviews of Buck knives. I have nothing against Buck. I reviewed the Vantage a couple years back, and haven’t gotten around to reviewing anything else because nothing else in their lineup interested me that much. That is, until I saw the Marksman. Buy the ...

Rick Hinderer Knives XM-18 3.5 Review
Last Updated: June 23, 2019 In the past I have compared knife collecting to mountain climbing. Certainly there isn’t the element of physical accomplishment, as the only thing that really gets a workout is your wallet, but there is that spirit of pursuit and of course the ascent up a pile of incrementally more expensive knives. ...

Zero Tolerance 0562CF Review
Last Updated: July 14, 2019 By this point we have seen quite a few of Hinderer / KAI collabs hit the market, and I have covered them extensively on the blog. We started with the heavily built 0550, moved to the critically acclaimed 0560, a knife that raised the standard for high end production pieces, spent ...

Zero Tolerance 0801 Review
Last Updated: August 7, 2019 Titanium framelock flippers. Are we sick of them yet? No? Great, because I’ve got another titanium framelock flipper review for you today. Given the rapid influx of titanium framelock flippers on the market, I initially thought that I would pass on the Zero Tolerance 0801. The wide shape, chunky build, and ...

Chris Reeve Mnandi Review
Last Updated: January 10, 2018 When I think Chris Reeve Knives, I first think of the Sebenza, their flagship blade. Then my mind wanders to the Umnunzaan, their amped up tactical offering. Only after sampling both of those knives did I take a genuine interest in the Mnandi. It was one of those knives that I ...

Chris Reeve Knives Large Sebenza 21 Review
Last Updated: July 28, 2019 For many the Sebenza 21 is a knife obtained on the steep ascent to the upper echelons of production knife collecting. It’s not a starter knife. It is something to be gradually aspired to, pined over, and then climatically acquired. I had such an experience when I bought and reviewed a ...

Strider SJ-75 Review
I have come to really enjoy my Strider SnG. Perhaps its because I won it in a contest, and therefore, had no qualms about carrying and beating the crap out of it. Regardless, it is a knife I have really enjoyed. But honestly, if my money was on the table, I’m really not sure the ...

Case Sod Buster Jr Review
Last Updated: July 20, 2019 I recently reviewed the Victorinox Cadet. This is a time honored knife, but frankly I was unsure whether many people would be interested in reading a review on it. The feedback was actually really good. So much so that it has encouraged me to write a review on another classic slip ...

Strider PT Review
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 One of the best parts of blogging about knives is checking out other people’s blogs, and seeing what they really like. It often piques my interest and expands my collection into all sorts of unhealthy directions. Case in point, I had absolutely zero interest in the Strider PT until I read ...

Kershaw Turbulence Review
Last Updated: September 17, 2019 I’ve mentioned in previous reviews that I sometimes find that Kershaw’s product line falls into a bit of a slump. In the $20-50 range you have a number of what I feel are quite frankly, forgettable knives. Typically it involves some sort of black handle, and bead blasted blade. Many come ...

Brous Blades Silent Soldier Flipper Review
Last Updated: August 10, 2019 Ah, it seems like only yesterday I was sitting down with up and coming knifemaker Jason Brous. Jason is a maker that caught my eye early on – his wild designs and youthful ambition told me this would be someone to watch. Lo and behold a year later he has sold ...

ESEE Candiru Review
Last Updated: August 1, 2019 Small, sharp, and damn near indestructible. If you want the short version of my Candiru review, that was it. Coming from ESEE, a company with a pedigree for making tough as nails outdoors and survival blades, that should come as no surprise. Fans of their extremely popular Izula pattern will no ...

Hogue EX01 Review
Last Updated: March 9, 2019 Hogue, a company best known for their gun grips and rifle stocks, has recently entered the realm of high end production knives. This is a pretty bold move for any company. After all, to quote Borormir in the the Lord of the Rings, “one does not simply start manufacturing knives” …or ...

Benchmade 940 Review
Last Updated: September 4, 2019 If you are as obsessed with knives as I am, you may be on the hunt for “the perfect EDC knife.” You know, the one blade that has it all. Naturally, it is the perfect size, features great materials, is beautifully designed, and carries like a dream. But in my mind ...

Buck Vantage Pro Review
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 I know my father has a couple Buck Knives stashed away in a sock drawer somewhere, and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that a majority of American men over the age of 50 are in a similar position. Buck is known for making reliable hunting and outdoor blades, and they ...

Benchmade 581 Barrage Review
Benchmade has always struck me as a company that both innovates and inspires. They can take a functional object, refine it’s performance, and give it a slight twist to elevate a knife something beyond mere G10 and steel. That is a rare accomplishment in the world of production knives, and this handsome 581 Barrage a ...

Spyderco Paramilitary 2 Review
Last Updated: July 13, 2019 Poll any knife reviewer, knife YouTube Channel, or knife forum, asking what the best Every Day Carry (EDC) knife is, and the Spyderco Paramilitary 2 is going to come up time and time again. It’s a rock star in the EDC world, and for good reason. It’s a form follows function ...

Zero Tolerance 0350 Review
Last Updated: April 5, 2020 My Zero Tolerance 0300 got a lot of looks when I carried it around. At over 9″ long and with a weight of 8.6 ounces, it definitely raised some eyebrows. The excellent S30V blade was a force to be reckoned with, and I really enjoyed the loud “thwack” of the assisted ...

Benchmade Mini Griptilian 556 Review
Last Updated: November 30, 2019 As much as I enjoy discussing the latest and greatest knives, sometimes we need to stop and appreciate the modern classics. As someone who tries to stay on top of all the new stuff coming out, I can tell you that the knife world moves at a breakneck pace. Companies are ...

Chris Reeve Knives Small Sebenza 21 Review
Last Updated: June 2, 2019 I don’t think many people get into the hobby of collecting knives with the idea that one day they will buy a pocket knife that costs hundreds of dollars. Well, at least I didn’t start out my little edged adventure with the thought of purchasing a $300+ knife. However, as I ...

Benchmade Bone Collector Mini Review
Last Updated: May 22, 2019 I never grew up hunting. It was something my family never got into, and so I was deprived of that early introduction to the classic hunting knives that so many Americans get to enjoy. However, my family was big into fishing, so I’ve got some pretty mean filet knives – small ...

Kershaw Needs Work Review
Last Updated: August 21, 2019 In my opinion the wharncliffe is one of the most under-appreciated blade shapes out there. Many may write the shape off as a novelty, but in my experience a wharncliffe blade can be incredibly useful for a lot of every day tasks. That’s why I wanted to make sure I eventually ...

Kershaw Blur Review
Last Updated: February 20, 2019 While I enjoy reviewing all kinds of knives, it’s the mid size edc “working man’s” knives that I especially enjoy reviewing because these mid size EDC’s are what spend the most time in my pockets and in my hands. The Kershaw Blur is such a quintessential mid size EDC knife that ...

Benchmade Dejavoo 740 Review
Last Updated: August 12, 2019 Today I am taking a look at the ultra classy Benchmade Dejavoo. Designed by the late Bob Lum, known for his simple and elegant designs and the Dejavoo is no exception. Now that he is no longer with us, his custom pieces are becoming incredibly difficult to find so for many ...

Spyderco Manix 2 Review
Last Updated: July 31, 2019 The Spyderco Manix 2 is one of those knives that I have been meaning to review pretty much since the start of this website. I’ve examined a lot of blades since then and now I finally have my thoughts on the Manix 2 together and can write on this fantastic heavy ...

Kershaw Junkyard Dog II Review
Last Updated: August 11, 2019 To the average person the pocket knife has remained virtually unchanged over the years. But as collectors and enthusiasts know, this industry is full of innovation. In fact, I argue that there has been more innovation in knife design over the past 20 years than in the previous 200 years. ...

Emerson CQC-7 Review
Last Updated: October 3, 2016 Tactical knives are trendy, and it’s easy to get swept up in the latest trends. While I have seen a lot of great new knives come out recently, I’m still drawn to the classics… and you can’t talk about classic folding tactical knives without mentioning Emerson Knives. Buy the CQC-7 ...

Benchmade 710 Review
Last Updated: December 29, 2018 I recently reviewed the Benchmade Griptilian, a model I consider to be a classic Benchmade knife. The Benchmade 710 is another one of those classic Benchmade knives. The 710 was designed by knife makers Bill McHenry and Jason Williams. This is a father and stepson team that invented the Axis lock. ...

Benchmade Griptilian 551 Review
Last Updated: November 30, 2019 The Benchmade Griptilian is a household name in the knife world. It is one of Benchmade’s most popular designs and it appears in countless variations. Buy the Benchmade Griptilian at BladeHQ For many, this will be their first “real knife”. A gateway blade into the world of high end pocket knives. ...

Kershaw Leek Review
Last Updated: December 1, 2019 The Kershaw Leek is a popular EDC knife designed by legendary custom knife maker Ken Onion. Between his designs for Zero Tolerance Knives, Kershaw, and CRKT, Ken’s work has received a lot of attention on this site. This is for good reason as he is highly regarded as a knife designer. ...

ESEE Izula II Review
Last Updated: September 22, 2018 The ESEE Izula is one of the most iconic small fixed blade knives of our time. Named after an infamous South American Ant, the Izula was designed to be a small, sharp, and incredibly tough blade for outdoor and everyday use. In practice, the knife is just that. The simple design ...

Benchmade Nimravus 140BK Review
Last Updated: July 26, 2019 The Benchmade Nimravus is one of Benchmade’s original fixed blade designs. It has stood the test of time and remains popular to this day. A “Nimravus” is an ancient cat with large teeth. I’d say that’s fitting when you consider this blade’s profile. Buy the Benchmade Nimravus at BladeHQ Benchmade has ...

Benchmade 14210 Heckler and Koch Snody Review
Last Updated: November 29, 2019 For those looking for a rock solid edc knife with a sub 3″ blade, the Benchmade 14210 may be just the ticket. This knife is part of Benchmade’s Heckler and Koch (HK) line, which is a partnership between the two companies where the knives are made by Benchmade and branded with ...

Kershaw Skyline Review
Last Updated: March 19, 2019 The Skyline is often regarded as a reference point. A knife we compare other knives to. It’s also a damn good Every Day Carry (EDC) knife. Back when I originally reviewed the Skyline in 2010, it was among the first reviews to be published on the site. It was a great ...

Spyderco Military Review
Last updated: February 14, 2019 Those in the military, law enforcement and contract defense firms require high quality gear designed to meet the rigorous demands of these types of positions. The Spyderco Military was designed to meet these demands as either a large utility knife or a full on tactical blade. In addition to law enforcement ...

Benchmade 950 Rift Review
Last Updated: July 28, 2019 Ah, the Benchmade 950 Rift. What a sweet piece of steel. The Rift originally came out in 2008 as part of Benchmade’s “black class” which are designed to be military and police grade blades built for extreme duty. Designed by famed knifemaker Warren Osborne, the 950 Rift certainly is extreme ...

Kershaw Scallion Review
Last Updated: August 30, 2019 The Kershaw Scallion is another one of those timeless EDC knives that should be considered by collectors and enthusiasts alike. The Scallion is a remarkable little blade that shares some great similarities to the Kershaw Skyline, but is very much it’s own animal. Designed by custom knifemaker Ken Onion, ...
Best USA EDC Knives
Here is a collection of some of the best USA made EDC knives. I’ve combed through all the reviews and curated a list of the best to make it easy for you to find a top shelf American made daily carry knife.
I’m not into knives nor am I a collector, but I am looking to have the most complete list of USA based knife manufacturers on the web, from large corporations down to individual custom knife producers. I will say that your site does put out a lot of useful information about the knives and their manufacturers. I hope others find it as useful as I have.
Thanks, Dave. Much appreciated.
Enjoyed reading your reviews of various knives. I’m interested in the Benchmade mini Griptillian, the Benchmade mimi Barrage, or the Kershaw Leek. I am new to EDC knives and probably won’t use it much. I can afford either of the Benchmades, but wonder if I should be more practical and buy the Kershaw. Of the three, which do you recommend I buy?
Hi Mike,
All three are nice knives, so I don’t think you would have any trouble with any of the three. If it were my money, I’d probably spring for the Mini Grip. It’s a real nice knife, and is in between the 3 in terms of price. A good friend of mine EDCs a Leek, and it’s a nice knife, but I’m more partial to the Mini Grip for its axis lock, near perfect proportions, and overall quality construction. It’s tough to beat a mini Grip as a small EDC knife. Just my .02.
I have never handled a Mini-Barrage, but think the Grip will tick all of the same boxes for ~$50 less and am not a huge fan of assisted openers.
Thanks. Your reply is very helpful.
I’ve been in love with the barrage 581S since it came out, I’ve never owned a knife over $50 but I think I need it!
The Barrage is an excellent knife. In my opinion it is well worth the coin.