Here you will find a collection of all of our multi-tools that we have reviewed on the website.

Kershaw Pub Review
Well, it’s finally happened: After several years of buying almost all of the models I really wanted, my knife purchases are slowing down dramatically. (Heretical, I know, but bear with me.) Today, I have a drawer full of knives with great ergonomics, good steel, and excellent blade shapes for particular tasks. I also have several ...

5.11 Operator Axe Review
The military tradition of a tomahawk or axe, is quite long. To this day, the military still issues a tomahawk with individual units as a smash and escape tool. SEAL Team 6 famously carried the Winkler tomahawks, and they are often bought as personal items by troops heading downrange. From my own experience, I remember ...

Victorinox Hiker Review
The Swiss Army Knife is likely to the most well-known knife in the world. Something about its name, distinctive red handle, and the fact it was one of the first successful multi-tools has cemented its place into our cultural collective. Swiss Army Knife is even a misnomer because American GI’s couldn’t properly pronounce the German ...

Victorinox Bantam Alox Review
Victorinox makes the most popular pocket knives in the world. That’s not hyperbole, it’s just a fact: globally, Victorinox sells more folding knives than any other cutlery company and it isn’t even close. The Swiss Army Knife is an icon, lionized by media (MacGyver) and government (NASA) alike. They’re so well-known to be useful tools ...

Leatherman Skeletool CX Review
I’d like to open with a small update from my review of the Leatherman Charge TTi. In the conclusion, I stated that even though it was too large to carry, I’d hold onto it because it was handy, well made, and could always be tossed into a bag if needed. I’ve since sold it, perjuring ...

Leatherman Wingman Review
It has taken me a long time to “get” full size multi-tools. I don’t think I am alone with this. They sound great in theory, but they are so big and bulky that for the average person they are more trouble to EDC than they are worth. Sure they come with belt sheathes, but lets ...

Leatherman Squirt PS4 Review
My Leatherman Micra review sparked some pretty excellent responses in the comments section. Great points were made about how much utility is packed into some of Leatherman’s smallest offerings, and how it’s sometimes more acceptable to whip out a multi-tool than a pocket knife. Knives will always be my first love (and main focal point ...

Boker Plus Tech-Tool Review
When I visited Smoky Mountain Knifeworks over the Thanksgiving holiday, one of my favorite parts of the store was the Boker booth. With a lot of production knife companies I already either handled most of their product line, or have a good feel for what their product line is like. Boker is a company I ...

Leatherman Charge TTi Review
Last Updated: July 27, 2019 I grew up with Leatherman tools. My dad always carried one, and to this day he still has his Leatherman Juice on or around him most of the time. In Scouting, most people carried a multitool of some kind. The first knife that I cut myself with was my dad’s Leatherman ...

Leatherman Micra Review
I have never been able to consistently Every Day Carry (EDC) a full size multi-tool. I have a couple, and they have come in handy, but I don’t regularly EDC them. They are great to have in a car tool kit, a tackle box, for camping, or possibly if you work a physical job. But ...

Victorinox Pioneer X
Last Updated: August 18, 2018 2016 is shaping up to be a damn fine year for gear geeks. Buy the Victorinox Pioneer X at BladeHQ I think this began when Benchmade unveiled a shake-up in their Griptilian line, offering an upgraded steel (from 154cm to 20CV) and handle material (from nylon to G10). This was something ...

Gerber Downrange Tomahawk Review
The tomahawk is a North American hand-axe first used by the Algonquian Indians. Originally made from stone, the introduction of metal blades came with the arrival of the Europeans to North America. The tomahawk remains one of the most versatile bladed tools in existence. Modern uses of the hawk include breaching, rescue, survival, and close-quarter ...

Spyderco Clipitool C175 Review
Recently, in a comment on an article on Everyday Commentary, the always-astute R.D. gave a summary of each major knife company’s chief weakness. For Spyderco, he said that they were “diluting their core identity (cerebral, highly engineered, function-based knives) to chase trends.” Buy the Spyderco Clipitool at BladeHQ I couldn’t have put my current feelings about ...

Victorinox Alox Pioneer and Electrician Review
There are few companies which possess the brand recognition that Victorinox does. At one time, they were one of the co-producers of the Swiss Army Knife. In 2005, they purchased their ailing rival, Wenger, and have since consolidated the two brands under one label. For many, the word “pocketknife” is synonymous ...

Victorinox Alox Cadet Review
Think back to your first experiences with a pocket knife. If you are anything like me, it probably came in the course of exploring your father or grandfather’s desk drawers or perhaps rifling through that treasure box of items many men keep. Invariably, you would come across at least one well-worn red handled Swiss army ...
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