DPx Gear is the brain child of author/adventurer Robert Young Pelton. DPx stands for “Dangerous Places extreme” and the company focuses on heavily built knives built to high tolerances by Italian manufacturer LionSteel.
DPx Gear Knife Reviews
What follows is our collection of reviews on DPx Gear products to date. Enjoy.

DPx Gear HEST/F Urban Review
DPx Gear has been at it for a while now. They caught everyone’s attention with the original HEST fixed blade knife in 2008. Their first folder was the HEST/F, a knife I reviewed back in 2012. It was promising in a lot of ways, but ultimately a sticky lock and ponderous footprint kept it from ...

DPx Gear HEFT 4 Assault Review
Last Updated: August 11, 2019 Robert Young Pelton is a journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker with a reputation as an adventurer with an uncanny ability to enter into violent and deadly areas of the world return with a stunning story. Pelton’s experiences led him to create his own brand of knives after much frustration with ...

DPx Gear HEAT/F Review
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 It has been a long time since I have examined a DPx Gear product. You may recall a review done on the HEST back in 2012. This was DPx’s first effort, and is the knife that put them on the map. The HEST is a solid tool and is well made, ...

DPx Aculus Review
The first time I noticed a gear company use the words “executive protection,” I was browsing the Goruck website. I was in the market for a backpack (my Jansport had succumbed to a combination of heat, dirt, and heavy loads) and saw that Goruck had recently released a sleeker bag that was stripped of ...

DPx HEST/F 2.0 Review
Last Updated: March 3, 2018 A hard use frame lock with multi-tool capabilities, the is a unique offering from a small company with an interesting pedigree. The HEST is designed by journalist Robert Young Pelton, who is known for traveling to dangerous places and going ...
More on DPx Gear
Founded in 2010, DPx Gear is unapologetically intense, brings a fresh perspective to knife design, and is not afraid to try new things. The knives are designed with “hostile environments” in mind and many of their knives have multi-tool functionality. Although they are a little heavy handed with their marketing, I like how DPx is not afraid to think outside the box, and attempt to innovate on a tool as old as mankind itself. I also like how they have chosen the path of quality over quantity, and have worked with LionSteel to bring high end offerings to the market featuring premium materials and excellent fit and finish.
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