Here is my collection of reviews of Strider knives. Strider is known for their military inspired hard use blades. Founders Duane Dwyer and Mick Strider make all of their knives out of their San Marcos, California shop. Strider is best known for their folding knives, and their offerings are hallmarked by their distinct shape, titanium frame locks, and integral G10 backspacer and scale.
These are polarizing knives for many reasons, but Strider has built up a reputation for hard use, as well as an extremely loyal following. Duane Dwyer and Mick Strider’s custom pieces are also coveted among collectors and routinely sell for thousands of dollars.
I recommend buying Strider knives at BladeHQ and KnifeArt. Both retailers have an excellent selection, the great customer service, and very competitive pricing.
Strider Knives Reviews

Chris Reeve Knives Small Sebenza 21 vs. Strider PT CC – Knife Showdown
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 Five years ago the $300+ production knife market was a frontier town, with just a few big names able to operate successfully at these empyrean price points. Two of the biggest were Chris Reeve Knives and Strider. For a long time the line between production and custom knives was drawn by ...

Strider SJ-75 Review
I have come to really enjoy my Strider SnG. Perhaps its because I won it in a contest, and therefore, had no qualms about carrying and beating the crap out of it. Regardless, it is a knife I have really enjoyed. But honestly, if my money was on the table, I’m really not sure the ...

Strider PT Review
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 One of the best parts of blogging about knives is checking out other people’s blogs, and seeing what they really like. It often piques my interest and expands my collection into all sorts of unhealthy directions. Case in point, I had absolutely zero interest in the Strider PT until I read ...

Strider SnG Review
Last Updated: February 13, 2018 For many knife collectors the Strider SnG is a holy grail of sorts. Much like the Chris Reeve Sebenza, the Strider SnG represents the top of the line for production grade folders. Toss in a Hinderer XM, and you have what many knife collectors like to call “the holy trinity” of ...
Dear sirs I just purchased a gorgeous well-functioning knife that has Strider on the pocket flip as well as on the base of the blade it’s called us SOG flash blade spring-loaded beautiful well-built seems to work great I don’t know about the metal is this actually won a Strider or is this a knock off from China I would appreciate knowing greatly for eBay purchases I will send a picture if I can
Absolutely a knockoff. And i have trouble understanding your comment somewhat.
In addition it has what appears it has a square rubber rubber strident logo on one of the scales and the number on the blade Z. 37335 3 over the word spider Strider and has no print of a country of manufacture and it did not come with any instructions apparently I cannot send a picture here if you will provide me with an email or something I can send you a picture of it thank you again
It is actually called a SOG flash tanto it has a half inch square rubber logo on the butt and on one of the scales of a sort of a sAword between what appears to be two Wings it has dark gray blade and scales and the blade is 3 1/8 inches smooth edge semi clip point nice and thick and it has a spring-loaded flip lever for the blade opens very quickly and a a glass Breaker Point on the butt is this yours or is it fake I need to know thank you so much the ads and box indicated it is being presented as a authentic SOG or SOG knife not strident only knew it was strident when I open the box so I’m not sure what’s going on it’s a sweet night but I did pay good money for it and would like to know what I truly am here the hole problem could be the metal if it’s fake I don’t know what kind of Blade I’ve got not really extremely sharp out of the box though I’m not familiar with your famous knives that’s why I’m asking and I would appreciate it greatly I consider a response I will look at your other knives as well I have a collection maybe I’ll add to it but I’m not sure this is an authentic Edition even though it may prove to be a good night I’m not sure if it’s really worth