Automatic knives are spring loaded folding knives that can be opened (“deployed”) with the press of a button. They come in a variety of different flavors; ranging from your more classic “switchblades” to out the front knives and of course everything in between. Automatic knives are very common for military and police applications due to their ease of deployment with one hand.
Before going any further I gotta say that automatic knives are illegal in many parts of the world and in places like the United States their legality is a murky morass of state laws and local legislation. Depending on who you are and where you live they could be illegal to carry or even own – so know your laws before purchasing them and buy at your own risk!
For the average person I also really don’t think they are necessary as many modern folders already very easy to deploy with one hand. That said, smoke em if you got em – I totally respect the right (and desire) to own automatic knives. As a collector (and red blooded male) I happen to think they are cool, although I can’t confess to owning many.
I also wanted to distinguish between automatic knives and assisted opening knives – a type of knife I do own a fair number of and have considerably more experience with. Assisted opening knives are also spring loaded, but they require you to begin deployment manually before the spring kicks in and fully deploys the knife. There is no button that automatically deploys the blade on an assisted opener, you need to start opening it manually. In the United States they may be legal to own and carry depending on where you live – research your local laws, learn your rights and be safe.
I honestly don’t do a lot of automatic knife reviews, but here is my short collection for those interested.
Automatic Knife Reviews

Protech Newport Review
Pro-Tech isn’t always the first brand that comes to mind when knife collectors start talking about automatic knives. We often default to Microtech or perhaps Kershaw. This makes sense, both of these brands have a large market share in the industry. They also possess a large social media presence and are very conspicuous at the ...
Gerber 06 Auto Review
The Gerber 06 Auto has always struck me as a stand out piece for Gerber. A well worn trope in knife reviewing is to bag on Gerber for their decline from an American standard to a mass market, Wal-Mart oriented, overseas produced stuffed shirt of a brand. Buy the Gerber 06 Auto at BladeHQ The poster ...

Microtech Dirac Review
Buy the Microtech Dirac at BladeHQ “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” (Arthur C. Clarke, 1962) Every time I use my Microtech Dirac, I feel like I’m doing a magic trick. The Dirac is an out-the-front (OTF) switchblade, and its 2 7/8” (74 mm) blade snaps out and back in so fast that my eye ...

Microtech Exocet Review
In these uncertain times, it feels like an indulgence to sit down and write a knife review. I ask, should I even be doing this? To go about reviewing expensive pocket trinkets while the world unravels like a ball of yarn? The website has always been a bit of a guilty pleasure, but I’ve yet ...

Microtech UTX-85 Review
Buy the UTX-85 at BladeHQ Knives function differently in a collector’s life than a normal person’s. They serve as a connection between people, a stress reliever, a sense of importance, a focus of learning, and yes, even sometimes a tool. Microtech, I think, is an excellent example of something that can occupy all of these roles. ...

Benchmade Infidel Review
To be completely honest, my first association with the Infidel is nutnfancy. I recall his video review from years back. He may have replaced it with this one. The Infidel struck me as a cool knife, but a total novelty piece. At the time I watched his videos, buying a $400 automatic out the front ...

Microtech Troodon Review
I’ve got a couple Microtech knife reviews under my belt at this point, and as far as their automatics go I’ve reviewed the Halo VI and the Stitch. Something that is obviously missing from the picture is one of their dual action Out The Front (OTF) knives. The OTF autos are are the knives Microtech ...

Kershaw Launch 4 Review
Regular readers may recall I’m attempting to step outside of my comfort zone and review more automatic knives. I started with a couple high end Microtechs, swung down to the Boker AK-74, and have now changed course towards something resembling the middle ground: The Kershaw Launch 4. Buy the Kershaw Launch 4 at BladeHQ The Launch ...

Hogue Knives OTF Automatic Review
There is an undeniable cool factor when it comes to automatic knives. As someone who owns several, I can’t seem to get enough of them. Generally, I’m a gun guy, but being a gun by default means being a knife guy. When a company that traditionally makes gun parts and guns accessories starts making knives ...

Microtech Halo VI Review
“I tried being reasonable. I didn’t like it.” Buy the Microtech Halo VI at BladeHQ I always enjoyed that quote from Clint Eastwood, and couldn’t help but think about it as I wielded the Halo VI. There is absolutely nothing reasonable about this knife. Any justification that this would be my “new EDC” went completely out ...

Boker Plus Kalashnikov AK-74 Automatic Knife Review
My recent review of the Microtech Stitch ignited my interest in automatic knives. I think it’s easy to see why. The Stitch is a beautiful and unique knife. It is also a $400 knife. That’s a significant chunk of change. I wanted to check out a more affordable segment of the market.

Microtech Stitch Review
Hot on the heels of my review of the Microtech Sigil, I decided to pick up the Stitch. This knife was designed by Sebastijan Berenji of Borka Blades. Buy the Microtech Stitch at BladeHQ What I find interesting about Sebastian’s story is that he started out as an enthusiast. If I recall correctly, he was a ...

Protech Runt J4 Review
Last Updated: March 7, 2021 Over the last few years, pro-knife legislation in many states has contributed to a renewed interest in automatic knives. In part, these laws recognize the futility of banning automatic knives (also known as switchblades) when modern folders can be deployed just as quickly. The advent of the frame lock ...

Famars Lama Prima Edizione Review
A relative newcomer to the cutlery scene, Famars is a company best known for crafting extremely high end shotguns. In fact, they happen to be the largest high end shotgun manufacturer in the world. Headquartered in Gardone, Italy, Famars has been creating functional works of art for over 50 years now, and build guns that ...

Schrade SMEDB/SMEDY California Issue Knife
The Schrade SMEDB California Issue is often referred to as a large version of the Schrade SCALY a very popular small folding knife that can be easily converted in to a “California Legal” automatic knife. Model Name / Nomenclature It took a little digging around before this really clicked for me but I am fairly ...

Schrade SCALY California Issue Pocket Knife
The Schrade SCALY is small knife that has received a large amount of attention. There is a lot of interest in a discrete, legal, automatic knife and the Schrade SCALY claims to be just that. Below is my review of the knife. Blade and Construction The Schrade Scaly is a small knife that can be ...
I’m about to buy an HRT SW80B knife from
Do you have any opinion of this web site?
thanks, Tyler
Hi Tyler,
I am unfamiliar with that retailer. I might suggest posting on one of the forums to see if anyone has any experience.