Hinderer is an American knife and tool company, with tools designed and built by Rick Hinderer and company in Shreve, Ohio. Rick’s XM series of knives has been coveted by collectors for years, and he has engaged in a variety of highly successful collaborations with Zero Tolerance and Kershaw.
I recommend buying Hinderer products at KnifeArt, BladeHQ, or Amazon.
Hinderer Knife Reviews:
The following reviews are of knives that are built by Hinderer Knives, but also Rick’s collaborations with other production knife companies.

Hinderer Knives XM-18 Slippy Review
Hinderer Knives is a company best known for their overbuilt XM Series. Burly titanium framelock flippers that helped popularize the titanium framelock flipper. So to see them release the XM-18 Slippy, a slip joint using their XM pattern, is a bit of an oddity. But then again, it’s not that surprising given the recent resurgence ...

Hinderer MP-1 Review
It seems like every time I write a review of a Hinderer knife I can’t help but open with a commentary on the state of the Hinderer market. Maybe it’s the finance degree talking. At any rate, a few years ago a Hinderer XM-18 would sell for well north of retail. Some were selling for ...

Hinderer XM-18 3″ Review
Last Updated: August 5, 2019 If you have been following Hinderer Knives on the secondary market, you will have noticed that the prices have fallen dramatically over the past couple years. A few years ago, it would have been hard to find a used XM-18 for less than $700. Some were fetching closer to a grand. ...

Rick Hinderer Knives XM-18 3.5 Review
Last Updated: June 23, 2019 In the past I have compared knife collecting to mountain climbing. Certainly there isn’t the element of physical accomplishment, as the only thing that really gets a workout is your wallet, but there is that spirit of pursuit and of course the ascent up a pile of incrementally more expensive knives. ...

Zero Tolerance 0562CF Review
Last Updated: July 14, 2019 By this point we have seen quite a few of Hinderer / KAI collabs hit the market, and I have covered them extensively on the blog. We started with the heavily built 0550, moved to the critically acclaimed 0560, a knife that raised the standard for high end production pieces, spent ...

Zero Tolerance 0566 Review
Last Updated: July 13, 2019 I have recently been making regular appearances on the GearGeeksLive podcast with Tony and Andrew. Tony and I recently had Thomas Welk from KAI (Kershaw/Zero Tolerance) on the air for an episode about KAI. I found it fascinating to get inside the head of a prominent representative of a major cutlery ...

Kershaw Cryo Review
Last Updated: March 18, 2019 At long last, the Kershaw Cryo. This is another one of those Hinderer/KAI collabs that tantalized knife collectors back at SHOT Show 2011 (or was it 2012? the years just blend together). Whichever year it was, we waited what seemed like forever for this little knife. Finally, after eons of patiently ...

Zero Tolerance 0560 Review
Last Updated: July 27, 2019 Finally! A Zero Tolerance 0560 review. It feels like forever ago since the 560 was first announced at the 2011 BLADE Show. Buy the ZT 0560 at BladeHQ Since then I have heard the rumors, ogled the pre-production photos, and even caught a glimpse or two of the knife in some 2012 ...

Zero Tolerance 0550 and 0551 Review
Last Updated: August 3, 2019 Today I am taking a look at the Zero Tolerance 0550, a special collaboration between ZT and Rick Hinderer of Hinderer Knives. Rick has been making knives and self defense weapons for over 20 years. He started out specializing in Damascus and art knives, but over the past decade has ...
More on Hinderer
Rick Hinderer started out making art knives in the 80’s. Over the years he transitioned to producing tactical folders, and drew from his experience as a EMT and Fire Fighter. His XM series of knives has been wildly popular, and they used to sell for hundreds of dollars over the MSRP on the secondary market. Rick has scaled his business to attempt to meet demand, and has also entered in to a number of successful collaborations with KAI, including the ZT 0560 and Kershaw Cryo.
While the prices of Rick’s XM series have fallen back down to earth, his knives are still highly regarded and his custom pieces continue to sell for thousands of dollars.
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