This is the section of the website containing my top picks for a “budget” aka, high value blades. I also suggest checking out my list of the best EDC knives at any price point if you want a comprehensive curated list of the best EDC knives on the market today.
Most of these knives can be had for under $40 and represent the very best inexpensive knives that have crossed my path. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money but still want a high quality knife, these are all solid choices.
Reviews of the Best Cheap Knives:
Here are all my reviews of the best cheap knives. Hard to go wrong with any of these, even if you’re on a budget!

Sanrenmu 710 Review
Last Updated: June 18, 2019 As an OEM for various knife companies, Sanrenmu is responsible for a lot of excellent, affordable budget knives: models like the CRKT Drifter helped establish just how much we can expect from a cheap knife, setting the standards for things like the steel choice, fit and finish levels, and utility on ...

Ka-Bar Becker BK-2 Review
Last Updated: July 20, 2019 Down here in Florida we don’t get a lot of seasonality. For example, I wore shorts and flip flops on Christmas. But when the air starts to turn cool I get a hankering for 2 things: cigars and fixed blade knives. I am pleased to say I have been able to ...

Cold Steel American Lawman Review
Last Updated: March 9, 2018 When I hear the words “hard use folder” it’s often accompanied by a mental image of dollar signs. For whatever reason, we have equated hard working blades with titanium, super steel, and triple digit price tags. Those knives are cool, and I am sure some are capable of getting work done, ...

Boker Plus 01BO188 Titan Drop Review
Last Updated: August 11, 2019 Have you ever bought a knife while drinking? I’m not sure if this is a common thing or not, but I was putting back a few beers one night while recording yet another morally suspect episode of GearGeeksLive when I decided to pick up this Boker Titan. Buy the Boker Plus ...

CRKT Swindle Review
I have been on a bit of a high value folder kick recently, focusing especially on the $30-40 segment. I’ve neglected this part of the market over the past year or two, favoring fixed blades and higher end folders, but a good deal of interesting stuff has come out in the $30-40 arena, hence the ...

ESEE Zancudo Review
Last Updated: September 30, 2017 By now most people are well acquainted with ESEE knives and their variety of fixed blade offerings. Hallmarked by their thick powder coatings, 1095 steel, USA origins, and unlimited lifetime warranty, I have grown to be quite a fan of ESEE products, and hold their Junglas and Izula II in especially ...

Ontario Rat II Review
Last Updated: March 9, 2018 Not everyone who reads the site knows about this, but I do have a couple sections dedicated to knives I have reviewed and recommend. Of particular interest could be the recommended EDC knives section, and the recommended tactical knives section, as these types of knives are generally pretty popular. When browsing ...

Case Sod Buster Jr Review
Last Updated: July 20, 2019 I recently reviewed the Victorinox Cadet. This is a time honored knife, but frankly I was unsure whether many people would be interested in reading a review on it. The feedback was actually really good. So much so that it has encouraged me to write a review on another classic slip ...

Victorinox Alox Cadet Review
Think back to your first experiences with a pocket knife. If you are anything like me, it probably came in the course of exploring your father or grandfather’s desk drawers or perhaps rifling through that treasure box of items many men keep. Invariably, you would come across at least one well-worn red handled Swiss army ...

Cold Steel Voyager Review
Last Updated: February 25, 2018 New in 2011, the updated Cold Steel Voyagers took the knife world by storm. There was a lot to like about the original CS Voyagers, but as technologies advance old classics need updating. And I gotta say, the new version really packs some nice improvements. Lighter, faster, with better locks and ...

Ka-Bar Kukri Machete Review
Last Updated: July 27, 2019 The Kukri is an ethnic design that has truly stood the test of time. Originally the kukri was meant to be a fighting knife. Members of the Nepalese military carried these blades, most notably their elite Gurkha regiments. These days you don’t need to be an elite warrior to wield one ...

Ontario RAT 1 Review
Last Updated: July 13, 2019 These days, if you want a high value EDC knife, then there are plenty of options. Kershaw and Spyderco make some great knives in the $30 and under category that are easy choices for EDC. But if you want something that is both hard use and high value, it gets a ...
Love my persistence good EDC sharp and decent steel .who wants super steel blades when you can’t sharpen it away from home Spyderco persistence 8cr13mov sharpens easily with medium pocket stones and holds edge fairly ok for what it is just always wipe blade before repocketing it also comfortable handle